Scyclide Schuboltz

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tita Flor’s 50th Birthday
Yesterday was my Tita Flor’s 50th birthday, everything is fine and everyone is excited about the party. Each of us has their own task in making the place presentable and clean, which includes preparation of dining and buffet table and even chairs for the guest. Ate Juliet, my cousin, who are assigned in decorating the whole place done a great job. She installed balloons, props and banner, overall the ambience of the surrounding is somewhat like a debut party. There are different varieties of mouthwatering and delicious food served by the hired cook.

As the guests were coming they were entertained by people whose singing the videoke in fact some of them even dance at the center. They were shouting while singing and eating, people are over the place as if the guess will never stop coming. But what strikes me most is when I see the face of my Tita Flor happy, she even join the singing and the dancing part. For me that is the most important aspect for that day. I am happy for her and I wish her more birthdays and blessings to come and good health. Happy Birthday Tita Flor ^_^

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