Scyclide Schuboltz

Saturday, April 14, 2007

An article I wrote regarding election, 2007.

It is election time; during election period our place is noticeably colorful and the ambience is somewhat like a fiesta due to the flyers and other paraphernalia of the candidates. It is the time where people in the government wear smiling mask, though they are experiencing extremely bad during their campaign they will just smile on it and pretend they are ok. For others this is the time for them to earn money by distributing campaign materials to others, you’ve seen them all over the place: to the street; malls and even in your house. Because of this period, unity and peace was brought out alliance and group was formed, it’s quite funny because before they are quarrelling and fighting in each other in the congress but now they are allied. This is the time where agenda and platform is created for the future of our country.

But what does really this country needs?

A question that is inevitable to ask especially in this period of election. Do you think that the key for this country to succeed is by electing responsible and excellent leaders? I think NO! I believe that the future of this country is not only relying on some and few hands but in all of us. I believe that all of us has the capability to lead our country but not all of us can do all of their responsibility and obligations in life. To put it in simple words, what this country needs is responsible and disciplined citizen. It is useless to have Godlike leaders if the people is not thinking and acting towards the growth of this country. It is not only during election period that we have the chance to change our economic status, everyday you can change for good. I believe that if one needs to put everything in order they must put their self in order first and everything will follow. Do not expect and wait for others to act like this, you can do it now, do it not just for this country but for yourself. It is our hands that can mold the future of this country for good or worst. The key and future is on our hands.

It is important to criticize and evaluate the person you will vote but is most important to evaluate and criticize yourself. It is important that you know your weaknesses and strength, the things that you need to change and things that you need to improve. In that way we can contribute something good in our society. An ample action with concern and discipline means great effect in our society.

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