Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Do you sometimes wish or think that you we’re somebody else? Do you wish that you can have the power to do something that you cannot do today? Would you prefer to live in a luxurious life just like others than a simple life? Do you think it’s unfair?

As I am walking going to the house from work, I realize why others can afford to buy cars while I can’t. That time I think it was unfair for me walking here in a hot and un-shaded street while others is sitting pretty in their cars. That day I told to myself that I need to strive harder to afford to buy those things, things that I can only have in my dreams. That feeling I had shows me the unlikely things that I am doing over the past year. It’s like my conscience talking to me to change those bad habits in order to reach my goal. For me that feeling of unfairness drives me to do something good, it shows me my weaknesses and my strength. It tells me the things that I needed to improve and things that needed to change.

I believe that all of us had experienced this kind of situation. You may not notice it but sometimes a simple move may lead to an unequal treatment or unjust decision. For me, being unfair “from others to you and you to others” is a way of one to socialize. Most probably one tends to do this to strengthen the bond that they had. But what is important is that when you feel degraded you must be able to look on a brighter side and aim to reach your goal. Don’t let this feeling depress you, believe me it is like a mirror telling you that you can also do what they do and believe that you can change for good …..

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