Scyclide Schuboltz

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A salute to my friends ….
It is just only yesterday that we are friends while classmates but today we are just friends. Everything now is change it could be physically or mentally, for some both. If yesterday we could see and talk to each other 8 hours a day and 7 days a week now our get together bonding depends on our schedule. I believe that even time age our relationship our friendship is still there, the one thing that is detest by time. I would like to express the feeling I have to all of my classmates in college batch 2005 at University of Regina Carmeli. I am so proud of the achievement you had as of this day. I believe that it will never end here but will progress and develop using the abilities and skill equipped on you.

Here are some of the best of my friends:
Edward Sablaya; He is a type of person that is open in everything. He is good in almost everything that he does and even plays. But the catch is Edward is a shy type of guy, he prefer in working in his own or in a small population rather than working in a mass. Now Edward Sablaya is working in Middle East as an office clerk, he is a high paid employee in there and so far he is doing well.

Roberto Figueroa; Bato as we call him is the joker of the class and also the best of my friends. He is the one who ease the troublesome and heavy load that we had during those thesis time by giving jokes and sometimes insight on what he had. He don’t care on what other people think on what he do, as long as he like to do something no one and nothing can stop him from doing it. But when you able got to know him better you will see that he is a friend that will not leave you no matter what happen, no wonder he have many friends. As of today Bato is working in a particular industrial company in Taiwan. Because of his job he invests so many things and gadgets that he really loves. Keep up the good work tol.

Vincent Gomez; is a typical guy when we are on college. His acts are very clear to predict. He is a buddy that will always at your side no matter what. A must have friend during those time that you feel alone. Vincent is also flexible in everything that he does, he will find a way to finish the job on time and effectively. Vincent is now a regular employee of a particular tobacco company in Bulacan, Philippine. He invests on the things that he really likes to buy and so far he is doing great.

Leonides Tagulao; Tags as what his friends knows him is a shy type of person. He is a type of guy that is less on talking and more on acting. A jack-of-all-trades as I call him because he is good in almost everything also you will never hear a single complain from him. What he can offer is not just product but a masterpiece. Now he is working as a layout artist in a particular publication in Bulacan, Philippine. His skill regarding computer graphic images and software is developing and getting wider.

Cyrhil Buenaventura; Cy as we call her is the muse of the group. She makes sure that everyone is in condition and in good shape. With her the ambience and the surrounding is good, just like food you will always want her in the menu. A friendly type of person and she is open in almost everything. She looks positive in life and in everything she does. Family is very important to her; it is her key in success because I believe it is them who help Cy to push her limits to achieve her goal. Right now she is working as office personnel to a particular company.

May De Jesus; an artist on her own way, May is cheerleader of the group; her words somehow boost the moral and feelings of a person. Her voice is her key in gaining friends, she is good in singing, in fact because of her talents she able to fly to united states to perform a choir presentation. She will offer and extend her arms to help you in times you are bothered. May now is continuing to improve her talent and hopefully it helps her to achieve her goal. I can’t wait to see her on TV. Go May!!!

Bernadette Cristobal; is a woman with a man’s attitude but has woman’s touch. Basically Badette as we call her is the front liner of the group she will fight as long she knows she is right. She is tougher than me in handling almost everything especially problems in fact I look at her as a shoulder for me to rest in times I am tired and worried. When you know her better you will see not just the hard and tough side of her but as well her soft and rose like attitude. Now she is in America pursuing her dreams, I believe that she will able to reach her goals and dreams in life. Keep up the good work sis!

Kimberly De Jesus; The Y! Speak leader of the team; she has so many opinions and suggestion that is helpful during our college time. Just like Badette, she is tough in everything as if she can carry heavy loads. Complain, hmmm yeah you may hear her complaining but still she is doing it. She knows where to put herself in order and knows how to act according to the situation. Now she is a mother of a newborn baby, I believe that she will be good and responsible mother and daughter to her mother as well. Congratulations KIMBERLY!!

It has been a long road for us. I believe in all of your capabilities, talents and skill. During our travel we may encounter humps in the way but no matter what happen and no matter how big those hump, just remember to slow down and look back there we are, your friends ready to push through that hump. Pray always and Good Luck to all of us. ^_^

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