Scyclide Schuboltz

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Nothing unusual happen to me this week except for having a hangover because of the long vacation last 2 weeks. It is quite surprising that the long vacation day that we are waiting is over and the next holiday would be on May, Election Day. That is the reason why I think of an article about this coming election.

I wrote an article about election, 2007, I am thankful that it comes out good it took me 1 day to complete the article. VOTE FOR ME is an article about the need of this country. I wrote this because I have seen and heard so many platform and agenda of candidates running on this election. I found that all of those things are the same and useless in achieving our goal to be successful. Basically the article doesn’t focus on the future leaders of this country but it focus on all of us. The title VOTE FOR ME refers to all of us, I choose that title because I want the people to vote for themselves to be a responsible person. It is my first formal article, hope you like it; I am open for comments and suggestions. ^_^

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