Scyclide Schuboltz

Sunday, April 08, 2007

I spent my holy week at my wife's place at San Miguel, Bulacan. The ambiance of the place is very relaxing and comfortable especially the trip. While I was driving, the scenery still amazed me; although the traffic is lightly heavy the view will surely lower your temper and comforts you. I recommend to open your car’s window in San Rafael, Bulacan because the wind is cool enough and fresh enough to pamper you.

Upon arriving in my wife’s place, my wife greets me with a kiss and serves me with a very delicious lunch. Hmmm, yummy ^_^ I really like pastillas and other delicacies of SMB. During my stay, my wife told me that they have this tradition during holy week and one of that is penitensya or flagellation and nailing to the cross and the other one is a parade of LIFE SIZE figure of the station of the cross. Unfortunately, I missed the penitensya but I attended the parade.

The parade is tiring; it took us 2 and a half hour to complete the 5 or more kilometers of the area. But the float is astonishing and awesome. If I am not mistaken there are 30 floats in the parade. And with added sounds and light effect, you can really feel the suffering of Jesus while carrying the cross. There are many people who join the parade that only symbolizes how religious Filipino is.

The rest of my vacation is so relaxing; I really need that kind of feeling. It does just not boost my energy to perform and work harder but also it boosts my spiritual beliefs and aspects as well.

What I have here are some of the pics I took during the parade.

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