Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

From a vacation of 6 days due to Holy week season last week, today is the first day of work. It was like waaahhhhhh!!! and chaos., everything is a mess, especially my desk, since Meralco is a electric service provider the crew doesn’t have 6 days vacation, it was allowed for Admin personnel only. Overtime notice is all over my desk, it is a disaster. At first I don’t know where to begin or what must I do. Grrrrrrrr!!! I am aware that I will have so much paperwork and reports this day but not like this, definitely not like this.

To finish my load I need to work faster but accurate, every single digit is very important to avoid system loss. To be able to do this, I have to concentrate first and think of a way to make the work easier and faster but accurate. With that I come up with a system or routine that I need to finish my job. I am surprised because while I was working with the new system I made, I found out that my work load is decreasing faster and I believe it was also accurate. At the end of the day I manage to finish all of my workload.

What I found out this day is that no matter how big and heavy of load you are carrying, you can lessen it easily. It is important to prepare not only your physical aspect but also your emotion as well. Mental and emotional readiness plays a vital role in performing tasks, because I believe that it will boost your job output and it helps you maximize everything that you got. I suggest 5 minutes of meditating or concentration before working on a heavy or even a light job. And of course, pray always, it is the greatest thing that you can do to fight those negative feelings that you have.

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