Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Holy week, holy days
Last April 2, 2007 (Monday) is a start of passion of “Pasyon”. Here in the Philippines we usually do this by chanting the story of our Lord Jesus Christ. I and my relatives usually do this at our parish church in Tuktukan. Back then I can still remember my Grandma is the one hosting the event; usually we are in-charge during Maundy Thursday. That includes preparation of food for the chanters, and organizes our family members to chant.

Back then, since I was teen when every time we are attending this event I can’t help my self in eating junk foods. There are lots of vendors surrounding the church. Children are almost everywhere playing, dancing and doing something that will entertain themselves. For me every time our relatives was in charge in Pasyon reading I feel like it was a fiesta not knowing the true meaning of it. Everything changes now, for me, it is more solemn and holy. I have plans for this Holy week, something that I believe will ease the cross I am carrying and feel better.

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