Scyclide Schuboltz

Monday, April 09, 2007

Today is the schedule of my wife's check up on her 7 1/2 months of pregnancy. We arrived at the clinic at exactly 9:00AM, the line of waiting patient is too long, it took us 2 hours for our turn to be seen and checked by our Doctor. During the check up, Dr. Caroline checks my baby’s heartbeat and by using ultrasound machine, she checks also he’s position in my wife’s womb and he’s condition. Everything is fine and very good, thank God. Dr. Caroline recommends continuing drinking ANMUM for the development of my baby’s brain and eye and taking Iron supplement.

I was so happy upon seeing my baby in the US monitor. He makes me and my wife feel complete and happy. I believe that one of the greatest gifts that we received from God is our baby. A gift that I and my wife will treasure and love for the rest of our life. Thank you Lord ^_^

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