Scyclide Schuboltz

Monday, April 30, 2007

Tita Flor’s 50th Birthday
Yesterday was my Tita Flor’s 50th birthday, everything is fine and everyone is excited about the party. Each of us has their own task in making the place presentable and clean, which includes preparation of dining and buffet table and even chairs for the guest. Ate Juliet, my cousin, who are assigned in decorating the whole place done a great job. She installed balloons, props and banner, overall the ambience of the surrounding is somewhat like a debut party. There are different varieties of mouthwatering and delicious food served by the hired cook.

As the guests were coming they were entertained by people whose singing the videoke in fact some of them even dance at the center. They were shouting while singing and eating, people are over the place as if the guess will never stop coming. But what strikes me most is when I see the face of my Tita Flor happy, she even join the singing and the dancing part. For me that is the most important aspect for that day. I am happy for her and I wish her more birthdays and blessings to come and good health. Happy Birthday Tita Flor ^_^

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A salute to my friends ….
It is just only yesterday that we are friends while classmates but today we are just friends. Everything now is change it could be physically or mentally, for some both. If yesterday we could see and talk to each other 8 hours a day and 7 days a week now our get together bonding depends on our schedule. I believe that even time age our relationship our friendship is still there, the one thing that is detest by time. I would like to express the feeling I have to all of my classmates in college batch 2005 at University of Regina Carmeli. I am so proud of the achievement you had as of this day. I believe that it will never end here but will progress and develop using the abilities and skill equipped on you.

Here are some of the best of my friends:
Edward Sablaya; He is a type of person that is open in everything. He is good in almost everything that he does and even plays. But the catch is Edward is a shy type of guy, he prefer in working in his own or in a small population rather than working in a mass. Now Edward Sablaya is working in Middle East as an office clerk, he is a high paid employee in there and so far he is doing well.

Roberto Figueroa; Bato as we call him is the joker of the class and also the best of my friends. He is the one who ease the troublesome and heavy load that we had during those thesis time by giving jokes and sometimes insight on what he had. He don’t care on what other people think on what he do, as long as he like to do something no one and nothing can stop him from doing it. But when you able got to know him better you will see that he is a friend that will not leave you no matter what happen, no wonder he have many friends. As of today Bato is working in a particular industrial company in Taiwan. Because of his job he invests so many things and gadgets that he really loves. Keep up the good work tol.

Vincent Gomez; is a typical guy when we are on college. His acts are very clear to predict. He is a buddy that will always at your side no matter what. A must have friend during those time that you feel alone. Vincent is also flexible in everything that he does, he will find a way to finish the job on time and effectively. Vincent is now a regular employee of a particular tobacco company in Bulacan, Philippine. He invests on the things that he really likes to buy and so far he is doing great.

Leonides Tagulao; Tags as what his friends knows him is a shy type of person. He is a type of guy that is less on talking and more on acting. A jack-of-all-trades as I call him because he is good in almost everything also you will never hear a single complain from him. What he can offer is not just product but a masterpiece. Now he is working as a layout artist in a particular publication in Bulacan, Philippine. His skill regarding computer graphic images and software is developing and getting wider.

Cyrhil Buenaventura; Cy as we call her is the muse of the group. She makes sure that everyone is in condition and in good shape. With her the ambience and the surrounding is good, just like food you will always want her in the menu. A friendly type of person and she is open in almost everything. She looks positive in life and in everything she does. Family is very important to her; it is her key in success because I believe it is them who help Cy to push her limits to achieve her goal. Right now she is working as office personnel to a particular company.

May De Jesus; an artist on her own way, May is cheerleader of the group; her words somehow boost the moral and feelings of a person. Her voice is her key in gaining friends, she is good in singing, in fact because of her talents she able to fly to united states to perform a choir presentation. She will offer and extend her arms to help you in times you are bothered. May now is continuing to improve her talent and hopefully it helps her to achieve her goal. I can’t wait to see her on TV. Go May!!!

Bernadette Cristobal; is a woman with a man’s attitude but has woman’s touch. Basically Badette as we call her is the front liner of the group she will fight as long she knows she is right. She is tougher than me in handling almost everything especially problems in fact I look at her as a shoulder for me to rest in times I am tired and worried. When you know her better you will see not just the hard and tough side of her but as well her soft and rose like attitude. Now she is in America pursuing her dreams, I believe that she will able to reach her goals and dreams in life. Keep up the good work sis!

Kimberly De Jesus; The Y! Speak leader of the team; she has so many opinions and suggestion that is helpful during our college time. Just like Badette, she is tough in everything as if she can carry heavy loads. Complain, hmmm yeah you may hear her complaining but still she is doing it. She knows where to put herself in order and knows how to act according to the situation. Now she is a mother of a newborn baby, I believe that she will be good and responsible mother and daughter to her mother as well. Congratulations KIMBERLY!!

It has been a long road for us. I believe in all of your capabilities, talents and skill. During our travel we may encounter humps in the way but no matter what happen and no matter how big those hump, just remember to slow down and look back there we are, your friends ready to push through that hump. Pray always and Good Luck to all of us. ^_^

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Simple gift for life
I made another first today because MERALCO launch their blood letting program. Since it was my first time to donate blood I was scared and nervous. My friends also playing tricks on me regarding their experiences in blood donation, of course what they are telling to me is their worst experience although I know that they are lying, but still I am nervous. Because of that I thought I will never get to pass the screening due to my blood pressure.
When my name was called by the med. tech. my heart pumps faster and there’s no turning back because if I do that my friends will laugh at me. The med. tech. told me to lie down in the bed to begin the process and by the time he says “Hingang malalim” I was surprised that the needle was placed in my shoulder already. It doesn’t hurt in fact I was surprised that blood is already flowing into the tube. While my blood is running through the tube I can feel the warm temperature of it. 10 minutes after I was done and the bag was full, the med. tech. told me to relax for another 10 minutes. After that I feel light as if I gave something that it important.
Blood is something that cannot be produced by pharmaceutical laboratories. I just hope what I gave today will be use in someone that is in need of it. I wish that my 500 cc bag of blood will go a long way in saving lives.

Friday, April 20, 2007


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The last episode of Gokusen 2 on GMA 7 was amazing. The truth is I am not an avid fan of the series; I am also not a regular viewer of the show. As a matter of fact I only watch the last 2 episode of it because of my work. It just happen that I am not allowed to take overtime this past few days so I able to watch the series.

The ending of the story is unique, touching and out of this world. For last minute I thought they will not make it to graduation but they did because of yamaguchi, she convinced her class to attend the ceremony by showing to them the importance it, not only for her but for their parents as well. As the story goes they made it to attend the ceremony after receiving their diploma the vice president ask yamaguci to have a speech. The speech is about the feeling she had on her class and on how proud she is to be able to change the class from bad to better. The scene is quite touching because while yamaguchi is delivering her speech the class is crying, imagine crying bad boys ^_^.

The movie shows us on how important each of one of us. It doesn’t matter on what kind of people you are. All of us have different roles and obligation in life. It also shows us that we have to trust ourselves that we can do something higher, that we can reach our dreams. But most of all, the movie tells us on how important education is. It is one thing that cannot be stolen from us, a treasure that you will surely use in your everyday life. Study hard ^_^

Nakama Yukie
as Yamaguchi Kumiko
Namase Katsuhisa as Sawatari Goro (School Vice Principal)
Utsui Ken as Kuroda Ryuichiro
Anan Kenji as Wakamatsu Hiro
Kaneko Ken as Asakura Tetsu
Uchiyama Shinji as Tatsukawa Minoru
Ryoukuni Hiroshi as Sugawara Makoto
Kamenashi Kazuya as Odagiri Ryu
Akanishi Jin as Yabuki Hayato
Hayami Mokomichi as Tsuchiya Hikaru
Koike Teppei as Takeda Keita
Koide Keisuke as Hyuuga Kosuke
Otoha as Shiratori Hitomi (English Teacher)
Sakai Toshiya as Inuzaka Taichi (Japanese Language Teacher)
Moto Fuyuki as Kameyama Takashi (Ethics Teacher)
Magii as Inomata Shinji (Chemistry Teacher)
Ikeda Yukiko as Wanibuchi Sayuri (Music Teacher)
Azuma Mikihisa as Baba Seiga (PE Teacher)
Inoue Jun as Kurokawa Ginji (Chairman of Kurogin High School)
Tanihara Shosuke as Kujo Takuma (Teacher in Momo Girls High School)
Waki Tomohiro as "Kuma" / Kumai Teruo (Former student of Yankumi)
Class 3D
Kawamura Yousuke
as Akiyama Yousuke
Mizutani Momosuke as Oomori Momosuke
Sato Yuki as Kojima Yuki
Sato Yusuke as Sakaguchi Yuusuke
Satou Takeshi as Sasaki Takeshi
Tanaka Rinnosuke as Takayama Rinnosuke
Nakauchi Hiroyuki as Nagata Hiroyuki
Watanabe Ryuuhei as Hashimoto Ryuuhei
Takahashi as Fujinami
Ishizaka Shinnosuke as Hoshino Shinnosuke
Mizushima Hiro as Misawa Hiro
Shibata Masashi as Ookuma Masashi
Nakamura Yuichi as Kawata Yuuichi
Ojima Naoya as Kohashi Naoya
Tomikawa Kazuto as Sakuraba Kazuto
Kuranuki Masahiro as Tamura Masahiro
Okamoto Masaru as Nakamura Masaru
Sugiura Takumi as Hamaguchi Takumi
Kora Kengo as Funaki Kengo
Kaneda Yoshiaki as Maeda Yoshiaki
Miura Ryosuke as Mutou Ryousuke

Picture taking

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Last Sunday after attending the mass my wife and I went to the photo studio to have a souvenir picture on her 8 1/2 month. At first I was hesitant because I thought the shop is not that good when it comes to taking pictures. But when I saw the quality of the picture I was wrong, everything was perfect, pixels from the camera and the printer is awesome. The ambience of the place is good, the staff is friendly and everything is nice and neat. I t was worth it, my rate would be 3 out of 5 star. The name of the shop is Voyzone, located at Maunlad Mall, Malolos, Bulacan. Want pix? Try Voyzone ^_^

Saturday, April 14, 2007

An article I wrote regarding election, 2007.

It is election time; during election period our place is noticeably colorful and the ambience is somewhat like a fiesta due to the flyers and other paraphernalia of the candidates. It is the time where people in the government wear smiling mask, though they are experiencing extremely bad during their campaign they will just smile on it and pretend they are ok. For others this is the time for them to earn money by distributing campaign materials to others, you’ve seen them all over the place: to the street; malls and even in your house. Because of this period, unity and peace was brought out alliance and group was formed, it’s quite funny because before they are quarrelling and fighting in each other in the congress but now they are allied. This is the time where agenda and platform is created for the future of our country.

But what does really this country needs?

A question that is inevitable to ask especially in this period of election. Do you think that the key for this country to succeed is by electing responsible and excellent leaders? I think NO! I believe that the future of this country is not only relying on some and few hands but in all of us. I believe that all of us has the capability to lead our country but not all of us can do all of their responsibility and obligations in life. To put it in simple words, what this country needs is responsible and disciplined citizen. It is useless to have Godlike leaders if the people is not thinking and acting towards the growth of this country. It is not only during election period that we have the chance to change our economic status, everyday you can change for good. I believe that if one needs to put everything in order they must put their self in order first and everything will follow. Do not expect and wait for others to act like this, you can do it now, do it not just for this country but for yourself. It is our hands that can mold the future of this country for good or worst. The key and future is on our hands.

It is important to criticize and evaluate the person you will vote but is most important to evaluate and criticize yourself. It is important that you know your weaknesses and strength, the things that you need to change and things that you need to improve. In that way we can contribute something good in our society. An ample action with concern and discipline means great effect in our society.

Nothing unusual happen to me this week except for having a hangover because of the long vacation last 2 weeks. It is quite surprising that the long vacation day that we are waiting is over and the next holiday would be on May, Election Day. That is the reason why I think of an article about this coming election.

I wrote an article about election, 2007, I am thankful that it comes out good it took me 1 day to complete the article. VOTE FOR ME is an article about the need of this country. I wrote this because I have seen and heard so many platform and agenda of candidates running on this election. I found that all of those things are the same and useless in achieving our goal to be successful. Basically the article doesn’t focus on the future leaders of this country but it focus on all of us. The title VOTE FOR ME refers to all of us, I choose that title because I want the people to vote for themselves to be a responsible person. It is my first formal article, hope you like it; I am open for comments and suggestions. ^_^

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

From a vacation of 6 days due to Holy week season last week, today is the first day of work. It was like waaahhhhhh!!! and chaos., everything is a mess, especially my desk, since Meralco is a electric service provider the crew doesn’t have 6 days vacation, it was allowed for Admin personnel only. Overtime notice is all over my desk, it is a disaster. At first I don’t know where to begin or what must I do. Grrrrrrrr!!! I am aware that I will have so much paperwork and reports this day but not like this, definitely not like this.

To finish my load I need to work faster but accurate, every single digit is very important to avoid system loss. To be able to do this, I have to concentrate first and think of a way to make the work easier and faster but accurate. With that I come up with a system or routine that I need to finish my job. I am surprised because while I was working with the new system I made, I found out that my work load is decreasing faster and I believe it was also accurate. At the end of the day I manage to finish all of my workload.

What I found out this day is that no matter how big and heavy of load you are carrying, you can lessen it easily. It is important to prepare not only your physical aspect but also your emotion as well. Mental and emotional readiness plays a vital role in performing tasks, because I believe that it will boost your job output and it helps you maximize everything that you got. I suggest 5 minutes of meditating or concentration before working on a heavy or even a light job. And of course, pray always, it is the greatest thing that you can do to fight those negative feelings that you have.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Today is the schedule of my wife's check up on her 7 1/2 months of pregnancy. We arrived at the clinic at exactly 9:00AM, the line of waiting patient is too long, it took us 2 hours for our turn to be seen and checked by our Doctor. During the check up, Dr. Caroline checks my baby’s heartbeat and by using ultrasound machine, she checks also he’s position in my wife’s womb and he’s condition. Everything is fine and very good, thank God. Dr. Caroline recommends continuing drinking ANMUM for the development of my baby’s brain and eye and taking Iron supplement.

I was so happy upon seeing my baby in the US monitor. He makes me and my wife feel complete and happy. I believe that one of the greatest gifts that we received from God is our baby. A gift that I and my wife will treasure and love for the rest of our life. Thank you Lord ^_^

Sunday, April 08, 2007

It's christmas time, wahehehe. No more vege food, no more old movies and no more boring activities and above all eating pork is ok again, wahehehe. Where going to buy a meat lover pizza, wahehehe. But watch your diet and your health. Hope all of you have a blessed, meaningful and wonderfull easter sunday.


I spent my holy week at my wife's place at San Miguel, Bulacan. The ambiance of the place is very relaxing and comfortable especially the trip. While I was driving, the scenery still amazed me; although the traffic is lightly heavy the view will surely lower your temper and comforts you. I recommend to open your car’s window in San Rafael, Bulacan because the wind is cool enough and fresh enough to pamper you.

Upon arriving in my wife’s place, my wife greets me with a kiss and serves me with a very delicious lunch. Hmmm, yummy ^_^ I really like pastillas and other delicacies of SMB. During my stay, my wife told me that they have this tradition during holy week and one of that is penitensya or flagellation and nailing to the cross and the other one is a parade of LIFE SIZE figure of the station of the cross. Unfortunately, I missed the penitensya but I attended the parade.

The parade is tiring; it took us 2 and a half hour to complete the 5 or more kilometers of the area. But the float is astonishing and awesome. If I am not mistaken there are 30 floats in the parade. And with added sounds and light effect, you can really feel the suffering of Jesus while carrying the cross. There are many people who join the parade that only symbolizes how religious Filipino is.

The rest of my vacation is so relaxing; I really need that kind of feeling. It does just not boost my energy to perform and work harder but also it boosts my spiritual beliefs and aspects as well.

What I have here are some of the pics I took during the parade.

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Saturday, April 07, 2007

While I was watching TV doing my vacation a San Miguel, something caught my attention, it was the trailer of the upcoming primetime epic movie of ABS CBN named Rounin. The story is about a group of warriors who lives to protect their city called Lumeria against the evil force of Helion, the city of death.

It was obvious that this past years ABS CBN uses more of their talents and less on graphics or visuals while their biggest competitor uses more graphics and less talents of their artist. This time ABS was able to come up a story and movie that is so fantastic they even created a futuristic set and environment of the movie. Talents + graphics, I’m sure it will be going to be a great and fantastic movie.

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Here are some of the cast of the movie.
Shaina Magdayao as Selene
Rayver Cruz as Mhytos
Diether Ocampo as Cadmus
Angelica Panganiban as Aura
Luis Manzano as Juris
Nikki Gil as Leal

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

In a glance it looks like a romance or love story. “The Sunshine” is a sci-fi action movie that is about the survival of EARTH when our precious star “SUN” dies. We all know that sun had a vital function to sustain living things. If the sun dies so are we. So when a group of astronomer finds that the sun is dying, they form a group to save it. The question would be

“Can man have what it takes to revive a star?” .... This may, 2007 we will witness on how man revive our dying SUN.

I think this movie is going to be a blockbuster film just like last 2005 sci-fi action movie “The day after tomorrow”. I am just wondering, what the director is thinking in making this film? I recommend this type of movie for everyone; this movie not only show us on what could happen if there is unbalance in nature but also it tells us on how to take care of our environment.
Here are some of the cast of The sunshine
Rose Byrne as Cassie
Cliff Cusrtis as Searle
Chris Evans as Mace
Troy Garity as Harvey
Cillian Murphy as Capa
Hiroyuki Sanada as Kaneda
Benedict Wong as TreyMichelle Yeoh as Corazon
From FOX Searchlight.

Do you sometimes wish or think that you we’re somebody else? Do you wish that you can have the power to do something that you cannot do today? Would you prefer to live in a luxurious life just like others than a simple life? Do you think it’s unfair?

As I am walking going to the house from work, I realize why others can afford to buy cars while I can’t. That time I think it was unfair for me walking here in a hot and un-shaded street while others is sitting pretty in their cars. That day I told to myself that I need to strive harder to afford to buy those things, things that I can only have in my dreams. That feeling I had shows me the unlikely things that I am doing over the past year. It’s like my conscience talking to me to change those bad habits in order to reach my goal. For me that feeling of unfairness drives me to do something good, it shows me my weaknesses and my strength. It tells me the things that I needed to improve and things that needed to change.

I believe that all of us had experienced this kind of situation. You may not notice it but sometimes a simple move may lead to an unequal treatment or unjust decision. For me, being unfair “from others to you and you to others” is a way of one to socialize. Most probably one tends to do this to strengthen the bond that they had. But what is important is that when you feel degraded you must be able to look on a brighter side and aim to reach your goal. Don’t let this feeling depress you, believe me it is like a mirror telling you that you can also do what they do and believe that you can change for good …..

Holy week, holy days
Last April 2, 2007 (Monday) is a start of passion of “Pasyon”. Here in the Philippines we usually do this by chanting the story of our Lord Jesus Christ. I and my relatives usually do this at our parish church in Tuktukan. Back then I can still remember my Grandma is the one hosting the event; usually we are in-charge during Maundy Thursday. That includes preparation of food for the chanters, and organizes our family members to chant.

Back then, since I was teen when every time we are attending this event I can’t help my self in eating junk foods. There are lots of vendors surrounding the church. Children are almost everywhere playing, dancing and doing something that will entertain themselves. For me every time our relatives was in charge in Pasyon reading I feel like it was a fiesta not knowing the true meaning of it. Everything changes now, for me, it is more solemn and holy. I have plans for this Holy week, something that I believe will ease the cross I am carrying and feel better.

Sunday, April 01, 2007

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“Next summer, the greatest battle lies... within ….
How long can any man fight the darkness...
before he finds it in himself?”

This is the tagline of the upcoming movie of Sony pictures titled Spiderman 3. If last year Parker cannot find a time to spent with his love one, this time he able to balance it all from becoming a superhero and a typical boyfriend to Mary Jane. Everything looks good for him but not all good is permanent …

“Last year we’ve seen Peter Parker reveal his secret from his best friend, now we will see on how friendship turns into something evil. Last year we’ve seen Parker fight and risk his life for us, this time Parker will face what he afraid most. Can he win the battle against his evil side and Harry Osborn, his best friend? Would it be a happy ending for our hero? This May, 2007, the answer will reveal. The world will see the greatest movie of all time. Spiderman 3”

Last year when I watch Spiderman 2, I was surprised on how story goes. All the aspect needed to make the story interesting and excellent is present in the film. This year I believe that it is again going to be a blockbuster film. And by the way Parker will not only fight for a single super villain but 4 of them including him self. I can’t wait to watch the movie.

Here are some of the cast of Spiderman 3.
Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker / Spiderman
Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane Watson
James Franco as Harry Osborn
Thomas Haden Church as the Sandman / Flint Marko
Rosemary Harris as May Parker / Peter’s guardian
J.K. Simmons as Jonah Hameson
Topher Grace as Eddie Brock / Venom

What I have here is a 7 mins. preview of the movie from

Here are some of the pix I took in their official web site.
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