Scyclide Schuboltz

Friday, May 18, 2007

Milk for Raycee
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We all know that milk is a primary source of calcium which is very essential in developing strong bones. Development of bones is needed especially for children and infants; aside from calcium there are also other nutrients that can be found on milk such as: fats; carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals except iron. We want Raycee to grow strong and healthy so we want the best milk for him. Since Daisy’s breast is not yet that good to produce milk we need an alternative way for Raycee to be fed properly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDra. Lunod, Raycee’s pedia recommends us to give him a milk formula named MyLac. MyLac was manufactured by MEIJI-MGC Dairy Co. from Australia, it was imported by Philippine Health Food Center, Inc. MyLac meet all recommendation of WHO-FAO and contain: α-linolenic acid, a member of the group of essential fatty acid called omega 3 fatty acid which is very needed in development of cardiac cells; linoleic acid, also a member of the group of EFA called omega 6 fatty acid; medium-chain triglycerides.

Dra. Lunod say that MyLac will be good for Raycee and it will not hurt his tummy. And she was right Raycee love the milk and it is effective for him because; he is huggable than before; his muscle and bone is getting stronger, I notice that he can already push and kick some of his toys and pillows and after drinking milk his tummy didn’t hurt.

Still we want Raycee to be breastfed, because there are so many benefits that can attain from doing so both for baby and mommy. And we want the best for our baby. Though Daisy’s milk is not that too many each drop we get from her breast we gave it to Raycee.


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