Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

haaaaiiiiyyyssss ...

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Yesterday I went to Land transportation office “LTO” to change my driving license from student to Non-professional; actually this is my 3rd time to have a non-prof license. Since I was high school I know already how to drive so my mom and I applied for my first non-prof license. After several years my license expired and I thought that if that will happen my account will be deleted on the system so I can have a new one. So that’s what happen I applied for a new license when I was on college and by the time I will get my license card the clerk told me that I have a license before so they took my new license and give me a penalty. The clerk told me that I have to take the one year penalty before I can apply for a new one.

So that’s what I did I apply for my 3rd license and guess what? Same old system! Some of the clerk still using typewriter and the system of having a student and non-prof license still needs improvement. The direction or step by step process that was posted on the board just confuses the applicant because: It doesn’t indicate on which window you will proceed; for picture taking student, non-prof and renewal licensee must know their window so their application will not be lost. The one thing that really hits me is their speaker it is their means to call the attention of the applicant so they can proceed on the next window. Yes it is helpful but there are instances that 2 or more clerk are speaking on the microphone and some put their microphone on a LaserJet printer without turning it off so the result is chaos, you will find hard to recognize if it is your name they calling.

I arrive at the office 8:00AM and it took me 6 hours to have a license, but it is all worth it, now I can drive anywhere I want. One more thing thanks to one of the clerk at LTO who helps me in my application because to tell you frankly my application was also lost that day ^_^

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