Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

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First Grip of Raycee
It was 1:00pm when Raycee hold my finger and wave it in the air. So I get my cell phone immediately and took a picture of his hand holding my finger. I was so happy upon seeing my son holding it somehow it is Raycee’s way of thanking me by taking care of him. Also it makes me realize the strong bonding that we have “Daisy, Raycee and I”, something that I wish that will last a lifetime.

haaaaiiiiyyyssss ...

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Yesterday I went to Land transportation office “LTO” to change my driving license from student to Non-professional; actually this is my 3rd time to have a non-prof license. Since I was high school I know already how to drive so my mom and I applied for my first non-prof license. After several years my license expired and I thought that if that will happen my account will be deleted on the system so I can have a new one. So that’s what happen I applied for a new license when I was on college and by the time I will get my license card the clerk told me that I have a license before so they took my new license and give me a penalty. The clerk told me that I have to take the one year penalty before I can apply for a new one.

So that’s what I did I apply for my 3rd license and guess what? Same old system! Some of the clerk still using typewriter and the system of having a student and non-prof license still needs improvement. The direction or step by step process that was posted on the board just confuses the applicant because: It doesn’t indicate on which window you will proceed; for picture taking student, non-prof and renewal licensee must know their window so their application will not be lost. The one thing that really hits me is their speaker it is their means to call the attention of the applicant so they can proceed on the next window. Yes it is helpful but there are instances that 2 or more clerk are speaking on the microphone and some put their microphone on a LaserJet printer without turning it off so the result is chaos, you will find hard to recognize if it is your name they calling.

I arrive at the office 8:00AM and it took me 6 hours to have a license, but it is all worth it, now I can drive anywhere I want. One more thing thanks to one of the clerk at LTO who helps me in my application because to tell you frankly my application was also lost that day ^_^

Sunday, May 20, 2007

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It was Raycee’s grandmother (Lola Caring) and some of his Tita (Ate Bebe and Tita Lita) who visited him at our house. They hugged and kissed Raycee in hands and feet but of course except in face. Lola Caring is quite strict in kissing Raycee’s face because she doesn’t want him to get rashes. I can tell by looking in their face that they really love Raycee a lot. ^_^

Friday, May 18, 2007

Milk for Raycee
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We all know that milk is a primary source of calcium which is very essential in developing strong bones. Development of bones is needed especially for children and infants; aside from calcium there are also other nutrients that can be found on milk such as: fats; carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals except iron. We want Raycee to grow strong and healthy so we want the best milk for him. Since Daisy’s breast is not yet that good to produce milk we need an alternative way for Raycee to be fed properly.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketDra. Lunod, Raycee’s pedia recommends us to give him a milk formula named MyLac. MyLac was manufactured by MEIJI-MGC Dairy Co. from Australia, it was imported by Philippine Health Food Center, Inc. MyLac meet all recommendation of WHO-FAO and contain: α-linolenic acid, a member of the group of essential fatty acid called omega 3 fatty acid which is very needed in development of cardiac cells; linoleic acid, also a member of the group of EFA called omega 6 fatty acid; medium-chain triglycerides.

Dra. Lunod say that MyLac will be good for Raycee and it will not hurt his tummy. And she was right Raycee love the milk and it is effective for him because; he is huggable than before; his muscle and bone is getting stronger, I notice that he can already push and kick some of his toys and pillows and after drinking milk his tummy didn’t hurt.

Still we want Raycee to be breastfed, because there are so many benefits that can attain from doing so both for baby and mommy. And we want the best for our baby. Though Daisy’s milk is not that too many each drop we get from her breast we gave it to Raycee.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Raining Raycee

Marami pang Pics ng gwapo kong anak <<<>
wooooooaaaahhhh!!! It feels good to be a father especially if you have a loving wife like Daisy and a lovable son like Raycee. What I feel right now is not just happiness but also contentment. Daisy and I were so blessed having Raycee on our family. Thank you Lord ^_^
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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Angel

I would like to share with you guys some pictures of my little angel "Raycee". Some of the shots were taken at Malolos Maternity Hospital.
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Ang gwapo talaga ng anak ko!!!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My Angel

Weeeehhhh!!!!!! I am a father, yesterday May 13, 2007; Daisy gave birth on our first baby. Our baby is very cute and healthy, thank God, everything went good; both Daisy and Raycee is safe and healthy. I will keep this blog updated later but for now I must take care of my wife and our first baby. By the way thanks to my entire friend who prayed and support for my family. I would like to acknowledge also Malolos Maternity Hospital for doing a great job of taking care of my wife and Raycee, thank you so much. Most of all thank you Lord for this blessings. Thank you so much ^_^
Here are some of the pics ....
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Saturday, May 12, 2007

Go get them …. Tiger!

Spiderman … Spiderman …. He’s all over the place especially at the mall. It is quite surprising that a 2d cartoon hero before becomes a real icon hero today. On May 1, 2007 Sony pictures released the latest episode of Spiderman. I able to watch the trailer at and it was fascinating but what fascinate me most is when I able to watch to movie at SM cinema north EDSA.

The story is amazing and unpredictable; twist is also added on the movie I never thought that Goblin junior and Spiderman will become an ally at the end. It is because of Mary Jane that is held hostage by venom and sandman that brought Parker and Harry to join forces and become an ally again. The fight scene is well coordinated and well executed; it is not just their body that is showing stunt but also with their facial expression. It seems that they took many shots just to perfect a single stunt and to have a great angle of the scene.

If you like the stunts you will definitely like the visuals and graphics of the movie. It supports almost every aspect of the movie: fighting scene; facial expression and even the environment of the movie. It is so good that you cannot tell the real form the computer generated images. The intensity of CGI makes the viewer get carried out on a particular scene; it will make you jump on your seat every time Parker will attack by a super villain. Sony did a great job by showing visual intensity and astonishing effects on the movie and by showing the possibilities that can be done by a CGI artist.

The cast of the movie shows not just quality performance but a masterpiece. Its total package is awesome their character fits on the role they are playing. Definitely a must see movie of the year. ^_^

Advance Celebration
Last Sunday, May 6, 2007, my wife and I celebrate our 1st year anniversary in advance. On May 11, 2007 our wedding turns one year. After attending the mass at Barasoain Church we went to SM city D’ Block for light shopping and for relaxation. Kids are all over the place together with their family besides I am already expecting this huge amount of crowd because Spiderman 3 is showing on entire cinema of the mall.

We ate our lunch at Aristocrat we ordered Grilled squid and Chicken BBQ plus Aristocrat java rice and calamansi and iced tea. The main course is awesome and delicious and for dessert we eat banana split. The place is neatly organized and the entire crew is friendly and courteous. My overall experience with that restaurant is good and I highly recommend it other people who are looking for perfect food, service and ambience.

We also bought some things that my wife’s need during her pregnancy and labor. At the end of the day although it was tiring physically the fun experience somehow relax you, everything seems so right and perfect.

What a wonderful year, it was fun, happy and blessed ….

Last May 11, 2007 is our first year wedding anniversary. I still remember last year, we are so busy preparing things on our wedding. We really wanted to make our wedding unique and presentable. Daisy and I even went to Divisoria to buy souvenir and other paraphernalia needed for our wedding. We also inquire in different venue and catering services in Bulacan, what we want is something affordable but the quality of service is good. Here are the pictures of the venue and the catered food on our wedding.
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One year has passed and there are new things and some things change. Thanks to my mom we able to have our dream house. October of 2006 my mom empty one of our apartment house and she renovate it to make it nicer. There are so many changes done in the house, ceramic tiles is installed, new paint for the interior and exterior of the house. Kitchen and comfort room was also renovated. Everything looks brand new and thanks God for this wonderful gift. Also thank you Lola Caring, my mom. Here are some of the pictures I took in our house.
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My wife now is on her 8th month pregnancy, one month more and our family will be complete. Rayce Francisco, our baby is one of the greatest treasures I receive form God, A treasure that we will love and take care of for the rest our life. I would like to thank Malolos Maternity Hospital headed by Ms. Carolyne Reyes for assisting my wife in her pregnancy stage. Here are some of the Ultrasound pictures of our baby in Daisy’s womb and some souvenir pictures.

There are so many changes and many things added for the past one year. I can’t wait to face another year because I know it will be good as long as I have the person that loves me most. Thank God for the past year and to the years to come.