Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Trip to Baguio

Last december, 2005, me and my friends went to Baguio for christmas vacation for 2 days and one night. 3:00 am is our depart time for Bulacan. During the trip some of my fiends got sleep while others are enjoying the view even though it is dark. I am very excited of seeing again baguio cause it's been a long time since my last visit in that place, because of my excitement I am awake for the whole trip. Because of the loooonnnggg trip we had a stop over at Tarlac and drink coffee. Because of the excitement, it sound funny but at that time we are already feeling cold already, hahahahahaha, "OA". And after we eat our breakfast, the trip continued. And after a looonngg wait and sitting in the car, we finally arrive at baguio at 9:00 am. Wah!, what more can I say, after seeing again baguio, I was still amazed and shocked about the culture, environment and of course the temperature of that place. Although there are so many buildings still you can feel the coldness hugging your body as you walk. For one day we able to see all the tourist spots in baguio, hahaha, obviously EXCITED. It is tedious and tiring walking, posing, smiling and finding all those tourist spots. Basically what we had in baguio is a treasure moments that I wll keep forever. If I am going to define Baguio I will just say it is a place where I find how important is nature and how rich our country when it comes to resources and beautiful scenaries.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sniff.. sniff.. maybe i'm the person who would definitely regret for not going with the group on this trip. sighhh... i guest... past is past.. chiks and dudes of DSN.....nice pose ei. i definitely go in baguio someday... i'm just not sure when would that be. but i'm very very sure... that it would be a long time from now. gudluck to the person created this site. take care men!! -=kUpO nUts=- tags