Scyclide Schuboltz

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Unilever did it again the much awaited and anticipated Lavapalooza 2006 is a huge success. In partnership with ABS-CBN and studio 23 the event is awesome and organized. More than 500,000 people attend and celebrate the 10 second kiss at Roxas Boulevard Baywalk in Manila, Bayanihan Park Mac Arthur Highway in Angeles City, FGU Ayala Business Park in Cebu, and Matina Town Square in Davao.
The event started at 8:00 in the evening and the 10 second kiss will start at 12:00 in the morning. Many artists perform and join the crowd in celebrating the 10 second kiss including Sam Milby, 6 cycle mind, Paolo Santos, Kitchie Nadal and many more. There are also couple in real life showbiz personality who attend the event like Drew and Iya and spread love in the air.
This event proves that sweet and romantic love is not only for teen-agers but also for adults as well. President of Unilever together with his wife also attend the celebration. During the telecast, we can see that some of the couples are already married and some of them are lolo and lola already, hahahaha, swwweeeeeettt. If you attend the event you can really feel that love is in the air.
12:00 AM is near to come and people started to wet their lips and ready their “pamatay kiss”, hahahaha. The 15 seconds countdown triggers the crowd to be happy and of course excited. As the crowd shouts the remaining time some couple are already kissing, wahhh!! excited. 12:00 AM comes and the couples all over start kissing their love one. But it is not only for those who attend in the venue, I believe that some people at home watching the live telecast also kiss their love ones for 10 seconds <<<>

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