Scyclide Schuboltz

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Have you ever heard of Cora, Bellato and Accretia? well those are the three race of the newest online game here in the Philippines called RF Online or Rising Force Online. The game was created by CCR and it was published and distributed by Codemasters Software Company Limited a.k.a. CODEMASTERS. Basically the game is about clan and races, it is set in the planet called NOVUS. Each race must survive and take over the mining area of the game wherein it determines the economy and tax rate of their race. What it differs from the other online game are the following: It is a player or the race who determine the economic status of their clan; once a character accumulated the highest CP or contribution points of the clan, he or she is called an ARCHON, somewhat like a HERO of the clan; the build of the character is determined how the user play the character i.e. if the player always use FORCE or magic the FORCE ability of the character will also increase; and the graphics is outstanding, CCR able to capture every small detail of the environment and when a character will use force, the effects is awesome especially if the character will use magic or FORCE.

Bellato are one of the race in RF online which is somewhat like the HUMAN type of the game, their advantage is called the MAU or massive armor unit which is a very powerful machine that dealt and absorbs a lot of damage. There are 2 types of MAU, the long range MAU which uses guns as their primary weapons and the short range MAU that uses swords. Accretia or the Robots surrender their flesh and body to become an ultimate destroyer cause the believe that FLESH IS WEAK. Their advantage among the 2 race is one of their job classes called LAUNCHER. Launcher classes can transform their body in a huge gun that emits a powerful force that can destroy an enemy. But before a launcher can use its special attack one must have ammo which can be buy in their town portal. Lastly the CORA or the elven type. Corites believe in their God called Deceem which gives them the power and magic to fight against other race. Their advantage among the three race are the SUMMONERS which can summon an FORCE ANIMUS or somewhat like a warrior. There are 4 type of ANIMUS, one is called PAIMON, the short range animus which uses swords as primary weapon. Hectate, the long range animus which uses magic to damage an enemy. Inana, my favorite, hehehe, which is the support type animu which heals a wounded allied player and lastly ISIS, some say that is is the strongest Animu cause it can boost the damage of the summoner.

The game is all about loyalty and able to make the race's economy good. Unity and cooperation is needed to become successful, one must have dedication and passion n playing this game. I tell you "the game is awesome" two thumbs up !!! ^_^

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