Scyclide Schuboltz

Sunday, March 25, 2007

I wrote many article in my blog, something about me, on what I like, something I do. Maybe it’s about time to tell something about my job and the company I am working. Currently I am working as an Admin. Clerk on one of the stabilize, solid and established company in the Philippine, as a matter of fact this company will turn 104th years of service the Filipino people. And it is not one day celebration nor two days, it’s a whopping one week celebration of fun. Where else can you find a company that celebrates it’s anniversary for 7 days? Only here in Meralco.

The celebration starts on March 03 until March 17, 2007. Fun and excitement awaits for MERALCO employee and their relatives. Would it be better if you know more about MERALCO? To be able to enjoy the celebration we must know fully about MERALCO, so what I have here is some facts and pics about MERALCO to share to all of you.

DID YOU KNOW? “Services of MERALCO extend over 9,337 sqm of land area with 25 cities and 86 municipalities. And currently distributing electricity to over 4.3 million customer with a whopping 24.8 billion kilowatt hours. There are ten sector offices for south, central and north area to meet the needs of the customer.”

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