Scyclide Schuboltz

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Movie Review “Fantastic 4: the rise of the silver surfer”
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Reed Richards, Sue Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm or also known as The Fantastic 4 hits the big screen again this June, 2007. I able to watch the movie last Saturday (June 17, 2007) and I find the movie good but I believe they could make it better. There are some parts and scenarios in the movie that needs more emphasis also some of the elements needed to stress out a bit.

Silver surfer: the movie doesn’t tell much about him or where did he come from. All that was told is that he is only serving and obeying the thing that eats the core of the planet and that is the reason why every time the silver surfer landed on a planet it dies after 8 days. The surfer is just preparing the planet for destruction and he is not the destroyer. He is doing this because he wanted to save her love one from that thing.

That thing: I really don’t know the one that eats the core of the planet and the reason why the planet dies, according to the surfer it is the destroyer. Just like the surfer I have no idea where that thing comes from.

Graphics: Sometimes the visual effect become blur especially if Reed stretches his arm and body. The rest of the visuals are awesome CGA did a great job in showing the essence of the character and on a particular scenario.

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