Scyclide Schuboltz

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

To highs and lows of our life ... We are ONE!
I would like to dedicate this article on my relatives who helps my mom this past election. The sacrifice they made to assist my mom in her door to door campaign, the hardship they did in giving flyers and by taking all the criticism from other people. But all of it was paid off and unexpectedly my mom gets the second place. Thank God.

I believe that God provide instrument to help us especially on those times that we are down. I believe that God gave our family the relatives that we have right now whom who care and love us very much. He used them as an instrument in helping my mom during the election period. Thank you God … And thanks to all the people who support and assist us.

To Ate Be, Kuya Al, Ate Lit, Tito Victor, Ate Juliet, Ate Joy, Tita Lita (Tito Junior), Tita Flor, Alrey, Princess, Reynald, Kuya Alvin, Nene, Kuya Wilson, Tito Carlos, Ate Maria, Kuya Raymond (Ate Maria), Kuya Richard (Tabasa) and Tatay Edgar thank you so much for being there all the time and mahal na mahal na mahal ko po kayong lahat. I wish that nothing and no one will change and may we have a prosperous and happy Christmas and New Year. God bless us and our family

I discover that not all people are true despite the gratitude and
help you render to them they can turn back on you

Lately I found out that some people whom you loved and cared so much will turn out against and say libelous words to you. So unfair because when they need assistance back then my family is always open and ready to help them regardless of what aspect would that be. But this last Barangay election one of my relative run as Barangay councilor and declare competition with my mom. Even though my mom asked her gently to stop running and instead wait for her term to end, she refuses and says that she is ENVY on what mom is receiving as a councilor. How can she do this to us? But my mom believe that all of us has the right to dream and the right to fulfill it that is why just let her do what she likes and explain the scenario to me. Ok, for me it would be ok for her to run because in the first place I believe that my mom will get a vote on those people whom she cared and helped during her term.

During the campaign period I was disappointed and busted on their campaign tactics. From what I heard from other people my Tita says negative things about my mom which is not true. It hurts me a lot about the things that they say about my mom because honestly she didn’t say a word against them or about them, during public gathering and speech what she says to the people is her achievements, works and her dream to our Barangay. For me their act was so wrong and to think that my mom is also their relative how come they do that to us. It is easy for them to turn back on my family, why? Envy? I can’t believe it. I am very angry on what they did and at that point of time my respect to them was gone.

They never see the thing that my mom gave to them and I am not asking for something in return what I want is respect. We are doing nothing bad for them to back fight on us so if they can’t treat us as their relative well they can treat us as people. But I believe that everything was lost: respect and connection, honestly speaking as of now I am very angry on them and the reason why there is still little respect on me for them is because of my Tito who passed away. Hopefully everything will be settled in God’s time.