Scyclide Schuboltz

Friday, October 26, 2007

Ten Commandments Of Computer Ethics

  1. Thou shalt not use a computer to harm other people.
  2. Thou shalt not interfere with other people's computer work.
  3. Thou shalt not snoop around in other people's computer files.
  4. Thou shalt not use a computer to steal.
  5. Thou shalt not use a computer to bear false witness.
  6. Thou shalt not copy or use proprietary software for which you have not paid.
  7. Thou shalt not use other people's computer resources without authorization or proper compensation.
  8. Thou shalt not appropriate other people's intellectual output.
  9. Thou shalt think about the social consequences of the program you are writing or the system you are designing.
  10. Thou shalt always use a computer in ways that ensure consideration and respect for your fellow humans.

I post this article because I notice nowadays the cases of hacking and hack-delete account is increasing especially in the world of online gaming. This Ten Commandments are created by Dr. Ramon C. Barquin, president of Barquin International.

Many people are using technology for their own good where in fact it should be use to provide assistance and help to people. May Dr. Barquin’s idea be our guidance in using technology especially computer.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I am planning to establish an internet cafe here in our area to earn extra income. I already plot the things that we need and even research the best way and techniques to build an internet cafe. When it seems that everything is quite ready and good enough reality hits me I don’t have enough money to build it, base on my computation I need P400,000.00 to start the business, geeehhhh!!! big money. What sad me a lot is that no one agree or support my plan and they think it is just a waste of time and effort.
But I am not losing hope I believe that when the right time comes I will able to reach my dreams … someday.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Artistahen, take a look at my son, so cute like me ^_^ this shot ws taken at Mitsubishi photo center at SM north Edsa.

Time-of-use (TOU RATE)
Last June, 2007 Meralco launches their new rate scheme called Time-of-use or TOU rate program, it is a special offer of Meralco to consumer whose electric consumption is higher that 750kw for 12 month average peak.

TOU rate is a new pricing of Meralco that is concerned on the time the customer uses the electricity. during peak periods the demand for electricity is high because of that power plants including those who run on expensive fuel are needed to generate more electricity that results to high price of electricity unlike in off-peak period. TOU rate gives the customer a chance to reduce their bill by consuming electricity at off-peak period.

Here are the information regarding the time covers for peak and off-peak period and the their rates
Peak periods
Monday to Saturday - 8:00:01 am to 9 pm
Sunday - 6:00:01 pm to 8 pm

Off-peak periods
Monday to Saturday - 12:00:01 am to 8am & 9:00:01 pm to 12mn
Sunday - 12:00:01 am to 6pm & 8:00:01 pm to 12mn

Weekdays - Monday – Saturday
Peak rate Dry Season - P6.482/kwh -- Wet Season - P6.1053/kwh
Off-peak rate Dry Season - P3.0925/kwh -- Wet Season - P3.0925/kwh

Weekend – Sunday
Peak rate Dry Season - P6.4852/kwh -- Wet Season - P6.1053/kwh
Off-peak rate Dry Season - P3.0925/kwh -- Wet Season - P3.0925/kwh

“If you wish God to give you patience, will He give it to you? Or will He give you the opportunity to be patient? … If you need courage to move on, will God provide you that? Or will God provide you an opportunity to have courage?”
- Morgan Freeman as God
- Evan Almighty

Sometimes in our life we feel troubled, down, hopeless and depress at those moments we wish God gave us strength and power to move on and be able to surpass all of it. Sometimes we overlooked on something important, a thing that could change our life forever. Opportunity … for some it is their chance to have a stable financial aspect and for some a choice to live life to the fullest. We see opportunity in its lighter and brighter side but had you ever encounter opportunity on it harder side.

I believe that opportunity is inevitable, something that we carry all the time and may occur anytime and anywhere. All of us have problem, difficulties and pain sometime we feel that the cross we are carrying is too heavy for us to move on. I believe that those instances and events in our life is an opportunity in its hard and tough side. I believe it is our opportunity to prove that we can surpass all of those difficulties; it is our opportunity to grow tougher. If sometimes we wish that God could gave us strength to carry our cross, maybe He gave us the opportunity to carry our cross and He will make sure that everything will be fine.

Sometimes there are opportunities in life that we miss. It could be for our self or for others: We miss our opportunity to give our extra blessings to others who has nothing and sometimes we miss our opportunity to see something good on something bad.

I believe that in life there is no late, we might not yet see our opportunity to change. I hope through my article I could give you the opportunity to see trials in its different side and live life to the fullest.

By the way Evan Almighty is a good movie, very good ^_^